We don’t have that energy here; I’m taking about the energy of downturn, soft landing or hard landing.
Miami is the city of resiliency, way better than any other city. We were resilient when COVID happened and we won. 2008 financial crisis? We won! Economic downturn? We won! Hurricanes? We won! And we have faced every challenge in our history and we turned them into opportunities.
What’s the secret sauce?
Over a dinner hosted by JP Morgan Chase, Tony Jimenez said something very interesting when I thanked Melissa Medina and Mr. Medina for creating Emerge and starting and maintaining the tech momentum for Miami and consistently raising the bar.
Miami has had dark periods in its history. Tony referred to a book called the year of dangerous Days, Riots, Refugees and Cocaine in Miami 1980. This is a great book by a British journalist that spent years into figuring out three massive destructive forces happening in 1980 which could have destroyed any city, putting miami next to Detroit, Newark and many more. He spent five years to figure out how we not only didn’t break but we flourished. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, isn’t it?
The reason for this resilience is our diversity, the immigrant mentality, the hard work, the sweats, the bonds and of course resiliency. The city that was built by immigrants, generations of people from Cuba, Colombia, Haiti, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and all over the Latin America and the rest of the world moving to miami and bringing with themselves their resilience, those who came with nothing and became successful would be always successful, as long as they are healthy and fight, success will follow them.
Miami’s story is the story of resilience, and that’s what every entrepreneur needs to have. To me resilience is the most important character of the winners. That what Nasrin Nicholas Taleb calls antifragile.
Now this is my advice to fellow big dreamers. Do not be obsessed with the news, with the noise. You have to create your own version of reality. And success will follow you.
Miami is the anti fragile capital of the Americas. There’s something good brewing in Miami and I’m bullish on that.
Thanks Sarah Hippert and Ashraf Hebela, CFA for the invitation. You are the best 🌞