Author: nimaschei

  • Steve Ballmer/ having fun while changing the world!

    This is a parody video made by Steve Ballmer in 1986 to promote Windows 1.0, the first graphical user interface for personal computers. This is the charismatic energy of an entrepreneur, more powerful than nuclear energy, pushing his product to the world, although it was shown internally at Microsoft and not intended for public release.…

  • B2B Marketers Getting Sandwiched

  • They Were Too Big to Fail, Too!

    While on my way back from the Equilibrium conference in Toronto which was a fabulous experience, and I’m gonna share more about it later, I stopped by Tim Hortons, Canada’s largest quick-service restaurant chain, looking for a vegan option. There was not a single vegan option on the menu. Later on at Toronto’s Pearson Airport,…

  • Sending Firouz Naderi Positive Energy

    I’m very sad to hear about Dr. Firouz Michael Naderi‘s complete paralysis because of an accident yesterday. He is an Iranian American scientist who had 36 years of technical and executive roles at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and helped with some of America’s most amazing robotic space missions. He is the symbol of a successful…

  • AI for Missile Guidance

    This morning I experienced a range of emotions, from surprise and pride to hope and fear and concern, all at once. I co-created the first AI that mimicked the emotional pathways in our brain with Prof. Lucas and Dan Shahmirzadi 21 years ago. We named it BEL (Brain Emotional Learning) and applied it to various…

  • What does Nassim Nicholas Taleb have to do with Dallas Ransomware Attack?

    May 4th 2023- Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a renowned philosopher and statistician, is known for his work on risk and uncertainty. Taleb has written extensively about the concept of asymmetry of risk, which he defines as a situation where the potential downside of an event is much greater than the potential upside. In other words, the…

  • Ban AI and China Will Eat The World!

    While some celebrities and scientists call for banning generative AI, it’s important to consider the potential consequences of halting its progress. AI is ultimately just a tool, albeit a potent one, and is no different from any other tool. Similar to a hammer, it can be utilized for good or ill, yet its intended purpose…

  • The Iranian Women’s Revolution and Crossing the chasm

    In product development, the goal of every product owner from startups to the top 10 tech companies is to cross the chasm. Think about Apple, Airbnb, and Uber, they all were startups that crossed the chasm. The chasm refers to the technology adoption lifecycle or the transition from the early market into the mainstream eye.…

  • Making Voice Cloning Mainstream?

    Why as a technologist, I’m publicly against Amazon’s voice cloning technology: Amazon as a technology mogul should do a way better job in analyzing the potential risk of abuse of its voice cloning technology. By making voice deepfakes more accessible to a very large portion of the population, it will be extremely easy for any…

  • Saying NO is courageous.

    Yesterday at the IBM MassChallenge lunch I asked, “We in the startup community tend to talk a lot about how to get YES from investors, but getting a NO is equally important.” and as Rich Maloy well-said, the second most important thing you can hear from an investor is a NO. The consensus is that…